Please note that Rag­ging is pro­hib­ited as per Act 26 of A.P Leg­isla­tive Assem­bly, 1997., rag­ging is a crim­i­nal offence and pun­ish­able with one year impris­on­ment. The Supreme Court of India has also defined rag­ging as a crim­i­nal offence.

All stu­dents admit­ted to the Uni­ver­sity col­leges of Engineer­ing and their par­ents are hereby informed to go through the guide­lines on anti ragging:

It is manda­tory to fill in an Anti Rag­ing Under­tak­ing online, please visit;





Def­i­n­i­tion of stu­dent ragging

Any con­duct by a stu­dent, whether by words spo­ken or writ­ten or by an act which includes phys­i­cal abuse, lewd acts, teas­ing, rough or rude treat­ment, indulging in rowdy, undis­ci­plined and obscene activ­i­ties which causes or is likely to cause annoy­ance, undue hard­ship, phys­i­cal or psy­cho­log­i­cal harm or men­tal trauma or raise appre­hen­sion or fear in a fresher /​junior stu­dent or other stu­dents or forc­ing a stu­dent to do any act which such a stu­dent is not will­ing to do and which has the effect of caus­ing or gen­er­at­ing a sense of shame or embar­rass­ment or dan­ger to a stu­dents life or adversely affect the physique or psy­che of a fresher or a junior student.

Pun­ish­able acts of ragging

  • Abet­ment /​insti­ga­tion to rag­ging /​crim­i­nal con­spir­acy to rag.
  • Unlaw­ful assem­bly and riot­ing while ragging.
  • Pub­lic nui­sance cre­ated dur­ing rag­ging, or vio­la­tion of decency and morals.
  • Injury to body, caus­ing hurt /​men­tal trauma.
  • Wrong­ful restraint, confinement.
  • Use of crim­i­nal force /​assault /​sex­ual offences /​unnat­ural offences.
  • Extor­tion /​crim­i­nal tres­pass­ing or intim­i­da­tion /​offences against property.
  • Attempt to com­mit any or all of the above men­tioned offences against the victim.
  • Phys­i­cal or psy­cho­log­i­cal humiliation.
  • Any act /​abuse by spo­ken words, e-​mails, snail mails, blogs, pub­lic insults etc.
  • Any act that pre­vents, dis­rupts or dis­turbs the reg­u­lar aca­d­e­mic activ­ity of a student.

Pun­ish­ments against ragging

Depend­ing upon the nature and grav­ity of the offence as estab­lished by the Anti-​ragging Com­mit­tee of the insti­tu­tion, the pos­si­ble pun­ish­ments for those found guilty of rag­ging at the insti­tu­tion level shall be any one or any com­bi­na­tion of the following :

  • Sus­pen­sion from attend­ing classes and aca­d­e­mic privileges
  • With­hold­ing /​with­draw­ing scholarship
  • Debar­ring from appear­ing in any test/​examination
  • With­hold­ing of results
  • Suspension/​expul­sion from the hostel
  • Can­cel­la­tion of admission
  • Rus­ti­ca­tion from the institution

In addi­tion, in case of every sin­gle inci­dent of rag­ging, a First Infor­ma­tion Report (FIR) will be filed with the local police author­i­ties. The pos­si­ble pun­ish­ment includes rig­or­ous impris­on­ment (in com­pli­ance with the order of Supreme Court of India)

UGC Videos on Anti-​Ragging :

Video 1 https://​youtu​.be/​B​j​c​y​n​O​H​s​0​q​Q

Video 2 https://​youtu​.be/​g​S​C​Y​s​C​z​O​o​M​s

Video 3 https://​youtu​.be/​s​V​e​5​Q​6​R​x​J​N​Q

Video 4 https://​youtu​.be/​Z​u​r​1​B​m​n​j​e​R​0

Video 5 https://​youtu​.be/​Q​v​2​-​C​N​X​M​I​Z​4​?​l​i​s​t​=​P​L​V​n​G​A​h​9​e​N​4​t​V​P​8​c​z​_​f​s​u​q​X​e​I​f​q​o​K​l​Y​F​W​C

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